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Tuesday, January 03, 2006 

Resolving my resolutions...

I decided that rather that re-do my resolutions each year, I would start this year anew by reviewing what's gone on since my last set of resolutions this time last year. Then, I can just add and subtract rather than trying to start all new again. So, here are the 8 from last year with their updates.

1. The obvious -- lose (and keep off) that annoying last 10 pounds. Oh well. So much for that. I guess we'll keep this one as #1 for next year too.

2. Hire my assistant. Woo hoo! One resolution accomplished! Of course, I did quit my job only 5 months after accomplishing this one, but still, I can check off the box on this one.

3. Leave the past in the past. I'll give myself a B-/C+ on this one. I've been doing better about being less emotional about past stuff and just investing time in past things that make me happy. I'll keep this one on the list for next year, though, since there's definitely room for improvement.

4. Learn to knit and/or crochet. Woo hoo! Another one checked off! I may not knit very well, but I did take a class and learned the basics. It's a slow process, though, so I may not actually finish anything for a while. I'll change this one to "finish the *&^%*! scarf" for next year

5. See that old friends are not necessarily better than new friends. This one, I had to revise. With moving back to the great old state of NJ, it was a darn good thing that I have my old friends. And, since I don't really go anywhere or do anything, they are a whole heck of a lot better than the new friends I'm not bothering to make.

6. Take a cooking class. One more off the list! I took a demonstration bread baking class. I'll keep this on here for a participation class next time.

7. Ignore (or at least accept) the driveby email. I haven't received any of these in a while, so I'm not sure how I'm doing. I'll lump this in with the "leaving the past in the past" thing for next year.

8. Not only get started back to the gym but actually attend regularly. Something like 3 times a week. Hehehe... I don't think I even believed that when I wrote it. I'm so not a gym person. I need a trainer to come drag my lazy butt off the couch and force me to work out. Otherwise, I'm just gonna stay on the couch.

So, here we go for this year's resolutions, and a few new ones:

1. Lose (and keep off) that annoying last 10 pounds. This year, I'm adding a deadline for the loss for April 1st, our trip to AC. Not because that date really matters for weight loss, but because I am a girl who loves her deadlines.
2. Get even better at leaving the past in the past.
3. Finish the *&^%*! scarf. Just because I said I'd put it here.
4. Take a participation cooking class.
5. Buy our house -- this is really #1 because if I am still in the apartment at this time next year it will only be because someone has tied me to a chair and not let me leave.
6. Apply to, be accepted to, and start my doctoral program. Retaking the GREs was yesterday, so first step is underway on this one.
7. Get a handle on my job. I'm new, so sometime in the next year, I'd like to feel like I have a clue what I'm doing.
8. Work on being comfortable in my own skin. As it is right now, some days I feel fabulous. Other days, I'm wondering why anyone hangs around me. So, by this time next year I'm hoping to have more of the former and fewer of the latter.

So, 8 it is again.... Here's hoping for another successful year...

50 things to know about Karchamb

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