Monday, January 09, 2006 

I love my band and my band loves me...

This Saturday night, L and L went to see one of our favorite bands at a bar near their house. I couldn't go -- we were having fake Christmas at my mom's house -- but it was not out of a lack of love for the band... We've been going to see the same cover band for 8 or 9 years now, and we just love them and they love us... except that we're never completely sure whether they love us or they just love that we pay our cover to come see them...

Except for now. One of the band members called my cell from L's cell to tell me that he misses and loves me and that they were crushed that I wasn't there. It might all be b-s, but I still love that he bothered to call between sets :)

50 things to know about Karchamb

Books of 2006


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