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Monday, August 02, 2004 

Sometimes it sucks to know a little bit...

As most of you know by now, this weekend brought more terrorism info -- this time there are financial targets in NYC, NJ and DC. So, here are some weird thoughts on the life of the family of an intel guy.

I am in the un-enviable position of knowing just a little. Brian came home on Friday and I knew something was up. He was distracted, not nearly amused enough by me (and trust me, I'm VERY funny) but, of course, he couldn't tell me anything. Because I am obviously a security risk.

So, then he got beeped at 9pm Friday night. I, again, knew something was going on. I was even able to use my superior deductive skills to figure some things out. When he said, "I have to go to New York tomorrow" I said to myself, "hmmmm I bet there's something going on in New York."

But here's the thing -- that's all I know. Which, quite honestly, is not that much. Brian thinks it's funny when I get paranoid -- especially when he says things like "I'm glad you're not driving today" and I think "Wow, he must know that something's going to blow up" when actually it's more like "I heard that there's a lot of traffic." But, until they extend security clearances to spouses (which would probably just freak me out more) the deductive skills and paranoia are all I've got.

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