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Monday, May 31, 2004 

10 reasons to have days off of work...

As many of you know, I really love my job. My job is actually worth the hour plus commute I have each way each day. My boss is fabulous, I have the respect of my colleagues and superiors, and I am completely confident that I know what I'm doing AND that I'm good at it.

BUT, I had 4 days off. And what I re-discovered is that, no matter how good I am at my job, and how much I may enjoy it, days off are better. So, in the wonderful college-born tradition of coming up with a "happy list" after a good weekend, here's mine:

1. I got to get up after 7 on friday. Since getting up at 5:45 is the only thing I really DON'T like about my job, this was a huge thing.
2. All of the folks who used to come to memorial Day at OC with us but couldn't make it called -- Prout's in Florida, Bill was at his girlfriend's graduation and Amy is on couch rest at the end of her second pregnancy. But all remembered to call us.
3. I got to spend pretty much all of Saturday "watering" at Seacrets. Yes, I realize watering isn't a word, but Jenn and I were on the rafts for most of the day and one of the guys we met (our replacement Bill) decided that this was "watering."
4. The world is a much friendlier place when sun, drinks, and rafts are involved. Jenn and I met all these new people. Including Joan, our new hero.
5. I got to hear the worst pickup line ever (your teeth are SO white -- thanks, Tim Doyle of Somewhere, PA) and Jenn LITERALLY had a guy fall at her feet.
6. While the band Saturday night pretty much sucked, at least I got to spend time with several of my best friends... AND
7. The band on Sunday night was SOOO much better. They're "The Loop" out of Philly and you really must check them out -- www.theloopband.com
8. Jenn and I got to spend Sunday afternoon making fun of people on the boardwalk. Somewhere, there are plenty of people who've made fun of us over the years, so I figure it's just payback.
9. I am not sick. I realize that, at my age, this shouldn't be such a big deal, but trust me. The fact that I was getting up before 10 and wide awake all this weekend is nothing short of a miracle.
And finally...
10. It's only the beginning of the summer, which means there may be more time for weekends like this.

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