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Wednesday, April 14, 2004 

I could write about how Pres. Bush used the word "nucular" again last night, and I could go on a tirade about how that's not a word... Part of me would like very much to do that. But since the rest of me spent all day on planes and in airports, I thought instead I'd share some comments on love from the book I was reading all day.

I've been reading more lately. More that has nothing to do with either of my jobs (though reading something about Nixon would probably be helpful since I have to teach about his presidency on Tuesday). More that's just stuff I want to read. Today, it was "The Princess Bride."

I know, I know. You're thinking, "But Karen, The Princess Bride is a MOVIE." And yes, it is, but it was a book first.

So, without further ado, here's what Buttercup had to say about love in an "interview" between her and a freelance writer, added on to the end of the book's 30th anniversary printing. I think Jenn will especially appreciate this.

Buttercup: "I don't love him because he loves me. There are times I've wanted more than anything not to love him. But you see, it was never my choice. Love is like that. At least, true love is. And when you come right down to it, what's the point of any other kind?"
Question from writer: "But how do you know it's really true love?"
Answer: "You know. Something tells you. ... Maybe for you it will be the way you feel when a certain someone looks at you in a certain way. Or something in the sound of her voice. It could be anything. That's not important. What matters is what you do when it happens. Do you accept it and act on it, or do you ignore it, or try to deny it? Because true love isn't always convenient. Almost never, in fact. It comes at a bad time. Or with the wrong person. That's when you've got to find the courage to follow your heart, no matter what."

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