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Tuesday, January 27, 2004 

I'm not even supposed to be here today...

So, there's snow. We all acknowledge that snow, unless you are curled up with a blanket in front of a fireplacce, pretty much sucks. What sucks worse than snow is that I got up this morning. I got up, got dressed, cleared off the car (well, pretty much cleared it off. I'm actually pretty lazy when it comes to that stuff) and drove the hour plus to get to work. Then I met the guard in the parking lot who informed me that the offices were closed. Worse still, is that I can't complain about this, because yesterday I told Brian that it was ridiculous to be angry that he was let out early after driving all the way to work because wasn't it better to be home at 1pm than at 5?

The problem here, though, is that I was all freaked out and nervous about the class I'm teaching at the community college, since its basically a cold war history class and I vaguely remember something about a wall and it coming down. I had finally calmed down -- I had a syllabus! I had a plan! -- and now, that's all pretty much shot to heck (yes, heck. my mother reads this) because I have to figure out how to get the whole thing covered in one fewer class. So, do we squeeze the results of World War II into the "Hi I'm Karen, no please don't pronounce my last name" lecture? Or do we say bye bye to LBJ? I could just ignore Reagan all together (never liked him anyway) but then I think that whole Bush/Clinton thing might become more difficult.

Okay, so now I'm just rambling. Here's the gist of it -- snow sucks and I'm heading home.

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