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Thursday, January 22, 2004 

This year, I will turn 30. I know, I know, to all of you who are older than me, what's the big deal, its just a number, blah blah blah. But to me, what occurs to me is that I have missed my chance to do something stupid. At 22, 23, etc. I was more likely to be carrying someone home when they could no longer stand than to have someone else holding me up. Not that I didn't have my moments, of course, but I was always aware of the consequences of everything. I've thought through every decision I've ever made to the n-th degree. And, as a general rule, I've made the "smart" decision.

Now, I wonder, what the heck was I thinking? At 22, I could've gotten away with something stupid, something reckless, simply because I was a kid. Now I can't even think of anything I want to do. I go to work, I come home and, as a general rule, I'm fairly happy with life. I just wonder, now that I'm about to turn a page into having to REALLY be an adult (as opposed to the way I've been faking it for the past 10 years or so), if maybe I missed out on something.

I suppose I'm thinking of the sentiment of that "when I'm an old woman i will wear purple" thing. I'm just trying to figure out if I can wear purple now (figuratively speaking, of course, since purple is just not my color) without having to be old. My sister is able to do this. She's always been the fun one, and I've always been, well, not. As we got older, people said we were becoming more alike and I thought "yeah! maybe I'm getting more fun!" but really, she was just getting older and more reasonable.

So, here's where I ask for your help. I'm looking for something stupid and reckless to do, maybe just to prove how not-yet-old I am. If anyone can think of anything, I'd appreciate the info.

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