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Tuesday, January 20, 2004 

Two things tonight.... One on my thinking and then just one small political comment... First, on my thinking process... I've been thinking alot about fate lately. About whether everything that happens happens because it's supposed to, or if maybe, just maybe, everything just happens with no path or meaning to it at all.

Not that there's any way for us to really know, because for all we know, fate is just waiting down the road for us -- just there at the end to say, "see, you took the most ridiculous, backwards way to get here, but you're here nonetheless. You could have saved yourself a lot of trouble if you would've turned right instead of left back when you were 11, but you still would've ended up right here."

Jenn (the aforementioned blogger) suggested that I watch Sliding Doors after I had a very extended 2am-on-a-schoolnight version of this fate conversation with her. Not because the movie is good, but because it questions whether or not one split second (in that case, making or not making it onto a subway) would change your life. The answer the movie comes up with is no, not really, you'll still end up in the same place. Which, in a way, kind of depresses me. That, while I might blame everything on something that happened almost a decade ago, really it would all end up the same anyway. I'd still end up exactly where I am, you'd all be exactly where you are.

Or maybe, just maybe, this is all just an elaborate way of getting to where we're supposed to be anyway. And we all figure it out when fate brings us together at age 80 in our nursing homes...

On to my second thought. I generally try to remain fairly immune to the whole political process, (mainly because I generally think that all politicians are full of crap), though I admit to being a bleeding heart liberal. I try not to care too much, because I suspect that they're all saying the same thing on both sides of the aisle. So, I have just one comment on tonight's state of the union address. Please learn to pronounce your words before you talk to me about teaching our children basic skills. Its NUCLEAR, George. NUCLEAR. Not Nucular. I read an column a while back on how we should accept how he says that because that's what a lot of people say. As if all of a sudden, because lots of people say something, its perfectly acceptable. Now I guess we all have to start saying Liberry and Suposebly.

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