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Wednesday, August 10, 2005 

Obviously losing my mind...

Well, it is 3:30 am and I am wide awake because the things that my current employer is planning to do to my current position in the moments after I leave are giving me a horrible stomach ache and keeping me wide awake. Sometimes I wish that I was one of those people who showed up to work, got their paycheck and went home and never thought about their job again, but I am not one of those people. I have instead spent most of the last 48 hours worried and pissed off about the plans being made by people who really don't understand what I do.

Since this kind of worry is obviously a sign that I'm losing my mind, here are a few other notes:

* They finally called. Apparently, our 10am phone conversation was switched to 2:30. When they called, they didn't even say anything about not being available at the agreed upon time. Just said, "this is us from the school" as if they had never scheduled a specific time. I'm still going for an interview, but WOW does this place have some red flags for me.

* A good way to get your mind off the idiots at work is to go see Pat Benatar. I realize that she is now 52 years old, but this woman is amazing. After 25 years of singing her music, I still want to be her.

* 3:45 am is a stupid time to be awake. It is way too early to be up, but (for someone who gets up at 5:30 or so for work) it's too late to feel like there's any hope for a good night's sleep.

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