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Monday, May 30, 2005 

Weekend Update, with Karchamb

Well, another drunken weekend come and gone... They don't really come that often any more, but they do seem to fly by once they get here.

Every memorial day, the bunch of us from college all head down to Ocean City, MD for some fun in the sun and this year was no different. There were 7 of us all together, 5 of us who went to college together and two others that joined in for the fun this year. The picture I sent from my mobile is from Seacrets, the bar where we spent 7 hours on Saturday afternoon. Unfortunately, it wasn't quite nice enough to lay out on the rafts on the bay, but at least there was no rain, and it was warm enough to stay outside.

So, in the great tradition of college happy lists, here's the list of happenings from this weekend:

1. 4 whole days of doing nothing at all that i didn't want to do is about the best way to spend a weekend...
2. Starting drinking at 11am and stopping at 2:30 am is a long time to drink.
3. People from my home town area are FASCINATING at 2:30 am. Really, who from Scotch Plains ends up at Fagers Island???
4. Getting yelled at for not liking the Union Plaza Diner and going to the Twain instead is hysterical when I haven't lived in NJ for over 12 years.
5. I love the band. The band loves me. Really, is any more info necessary?
6. Band members (not in "our" band, but in the Sunday night band) who resemble ex-es really freak me out.
7. I love when people who can't make it out for Memorial Day call us. No Prout this year, but we did get calls from Jenn and Bill. I promise to call them both back when I'm having a more sober moment.
8. It cracks me up that my friends get squeakier as they drink more. No one should really be able to hit notes that are THAT high.
9. Even though we've been doing this for 9 years now, it just never ever gets old. There's something good about the familiarity of having traditions. Even if the tradition goes something like "Drink. Pass out. Drink some more."
10. As much as I love to go away with the girls, sometimes it's even better to come home.

Have a great recovery week, everyone!

50 things to know about Karchamb

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