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Tuesday, March 08, 2005 

5 Questions...

I got 2 takers on the questions (though, no real suprise, both my friends were confused by how to do it!!!) Anyone else up for an "interview"?

For Jenn:
1. You talk quite a bit on your blog about what other people do that drives you crazy -- understandable, of course, since people are generally unwise. BUT, here's the question -- what about YOU drives you crazy?

2. If you could go back in your life and change one thing that you did, what would it be? Keep in mind, this has to be something completely within your control.

3. I know that you're a sports fan. What is the best single game you've ever witnessed (preferably but not necessarily live) and why?

4. You have a sister and two parents in your immediate family. If you had to choose one characteristic from each of them to make "yours" what would it be?

5. You know that I'm a freak for music and you've made mention on your blog about connecting lyrics to moments in time. What song is the most meaningful to you (the most connected to a moment in your life) and why?

For Gina:
1. We've known each other forever. In what way do you think you've changed the most since your childhood?

2. In what way have you remained the same?

3. You mentioned moving away to Maine/Vermont/etc. If you were to make such a move and could take only ONE thing with you that you currently own, what would it be?

4. How did you choose your cats names?

5. I know that you're active in and concerned about a number of social causes. If you had $1 million to split among charities, where would it go?

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