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Tuesday, February 15, 2005 

A Season bites the dust...

Remember those years gone by? When the time between football and baseball was filled in by hockey, glorious hockey? When a young girl could happily watch grown men beat the crap out of each other, sticks, skates and (occasionally) teeth sliding across the ice?

This time is officially gone. Okay, so officially as of 1pm tomorrow when the NHL officially announces the inevitable -- hockey, at least as far as this year is concerned, will not exist.

I blame both sides because they forgot something very very important -- most of the fans are not making $50,000 per year, much less multi-millions. We are rightfully offended when those who make hundreds of thousands of dollars for a 1/2 year of work complain about being badly treated, misunderstood, etc.

The worst part is when athletes comment that they have to make enough in the short time of their career to support themselves for when they physically cannot play anymore. This is a huge crock. There are plenty of physical jobs (delivery people, maintenance folks, etc) that may have limited life spans, but we don't pay them for the years when they might not work. If they haven't saved, they do what the athletes seem to think is unthinkable -- they get another job!!!

I'm really just sick of it all -- the baseball players with their steroids, the football players with their attitudes and running mouths, suggesting we should give a crap about what they say, and the hockey players with their ridiculous "woe is me" attitude.

How about this? -- Cancel hockey all together, and go get a real job. Now see how painful it is to not make the millions.

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