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Tuesday, January 04, 2005 

Resolutions and such...

Since we're now on day 4 of the new year, I figured it's just about time to get those resolutions in order. One of them could, I suppose, be doing things on time but since (other than blogging) I'm pretty good at that, I'll figure that these late resolutions are not part of a larger trend. So, here we go:

1. The obvious -- lose (and keep off) that annoying last 10 pounds. It's not a list of resolutions unless there's something weight related, so I figured I'd get it out of the way right at the start.

2. Hire my assistant. I got approval 4 months ago, and just haven't had time to hire him/her yet.

3. Leave the past in the past. I am that girl who googles everyone she has ever met to try to find out where they've ended up. Yes, I know where the boys I loved in high school are, and yes, I even know where some of the folks I hated are.

4. Learn to knit and/or crochet. My weak, pathetic attempt to be domestic. Not only do I want to be a girly-girl, but I also want to be 75 years old.

5. See that old friends are not necessarily better than new friends. I have a new-ish friend who IM's just to say hello, though we don't know each other well and don' t have any deep emotional connection. I have old friends who wander in and out of life, forget my birthday, and come back around when it suits them. In the new year, I will accept that the former is often better than the latter, even when the latter's got history going for him/her.

6. Take a cooking class. I'm currently looking at "Artisan Bread Baking" or "Phun with Phyllo." And yes, that really is the name of the class.

7. Ignore (or at least accept) the driveby email. You know the one -- the email that comes out of nowhere from someone who shouldn't be emailing you, who then decides to fall back off the face of the earth. Along with leaving the past in the past, I will accept that some people don't have it in them to have a relationship beyond a single email.

8. Not only get started back to the gym (read jennism.blogspot.com for thoughts on that one) but actually attend regularly. Something like 3 times a week. Maybe.

Okay, 8 resolutions that I'll break by the end of the week is a good enough start. Happy New Year everybody!

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