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Wednesday, November 17, 2004 

Good stuff...

Okay, so here's the deal... despite the insanity of my students (and yes, I've said before that my students are insane, but we're talking certifiable, here) it's been a relatively good week. Here are a few of the highlights:

* Yesterday, 2 colleagues of mine and I received the news that our proposal for a National Conference in March was accepted. The conference is in Tampa. Can you say "SPRING TRAINING"????

* This morning, I got an email from Bill Early saying, "hey, I was wondering if you want to go back to Spring training again this year." I, of course, got to say, "Yes, and my work will be paying for it."

* It has been almost 2 weeks since the last time someone made a crude comment about the bumper sticker on my car. It's a feminist statement (Well behaved women rarely make history) referring to the idea that women do so much that goes unnoticed. Men, however, seem to want to take this to yell things like, "oh, come on baby, you know you're not a good girl" and other such comments. But it's been about 2 weeks since the last time it was said, which is a new record.

* My boss and my boss's boss take every opportunity to tell me how fabulous I am. There's no such thing as too many pats on the back.

* Thanksgiving break is next week, which gives me a whole 5 days during which I will not think about how insane my students are. Again, we're talking "should I be afraid that she'll come in with a weapon?" kind of crazy, not just "wow, she's annoying" kind of crazy.

* Christmas break is only a short time away. Not only do I get a week off, but the students go away for almost a month. There will be at least a few joyous moments in there.

There are also a number of other things to be happy about -- I'm almost done Christmas shopping, the 2005 season's baseball tix go on sale in about 3 weeks, I have a work luncheon on Friday that basically means I have a 1/2 day, etc. Hope things are going as well for all of you!!!

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