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Monday, November 01, 2004 

So, who gets the friends????

So there were these two people. They were friends. They were also friends with a whole big group of folks -- some originally his friends, some originally her friends, but (by this point in the story) all friends with each other.

The two people decided to start dating. They dated for a fairly long time (over 2 years) and while there were definitely issues (they were, after all, very different people) everything seemed to be going along okay. It was a little strange because, at first, they didn't know how to act around each other or around the friends who knew them both separately but now had to think of them as a couple. But then, it just became normal. They were together.

Then the break up came. It was fairly anti-climactic (at least to the outsiders). But them came the infamous question -- who gets the friends???

He held a Halloween party. Some people didn't come. They felt "weird" like they were choosing him over her if they went. But he felt like they were choosing her over him because they didn't.

If you're the friend (particularly one who isn't a "best" friend of either) how do you choose the camp to go with? When the couple breaks up, who gets the friends???

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