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Friday, April 01, 2005 

Back to the blog...

I have been intentionally blogless lately. Between Terri Schiavo, the pope, the rest of the state of the world that seems to be generally ignored, and a bunch of personal chaos, I've just not been in a mood to talk about much of anything. So now, here, in my effort to get back to the blog, I'm going to ease in. This one'll just be an update on things that have come before. And, really, what better time but April Fools Day to look back at the New Year's Resolution and see where we are???

1. The obvious -- lose (and keep off) that annoying last 10 pounds.
Well, 4 pounds down, 8 to go, because it was really 12 pounds I wanted to lose, not ten. I was down 7, but then I went to Florida, gained them all back and now I'm just happy to be back down 4. The plan is to lose the rest by the annual Memorial Day drinkfest.

2. Hire my assistant.
Not going great, but not my fault. We ran the ad, but HR put the newspaper ad in the wrong section of the Washington Post so we didn't get a very strong applicant pool. We're reopening the search. I'm shooting for a June 1 start date.

3. Leave the past in the past.
Honestly, the present has been so chaotic, I haven't had a chance to think about the past. Probably a good thing.

4. Learn to knit and/or crochet.
Aha! Progress! This past Wednesday, I took my first knitting class. I'm now about 3 inches into my first scarf, which will probably end up being something no one will want to wear. But maybe by Christmas 2006 it will be scarves for everyone!

5. See that old friends are not necessarily better than new friends.
Because of the chaos, I've generally been forcing friends to make contact with me instead of the other way around. For that, I apologize to the good friends and say, "See what it feels like???" to the bad ones ;)

6. Take a cooking class.
Oh well. Another one bites the dust. BUT I did start a food related business. That counts, right?

7. Ignore (or at least accept) the driveby email.
I'm ignoring. But only because I don't have time, not because it doesn't piss me off.

8. Not only get started back to the gym (read jennism.blogspot.com for thoughts on that one) but actually attend regularly.
I went twice in one week. And that's about it.

So, now that I've rediscovered my resolutions, I'm adding one -- Blog more regularly. Of course, it is April Fool's Day, so who knows how that one's going to go!

Happy Friday!

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